Thursday 25 February 2010

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Monday 22 February 2010

Nite Websie on Quit smoking ads

Cigarette Installation in Italy

There is a huge 9 meter cigarette ends, which were made of painted logs. The goal of this creative project was to attract people’s attention to the problem of beaches’ pollution.

Space Problems Caused by Smoking Behavior

The location is the entrance of Chelsea College of Art and Design. There are lots of cigarette ends and rubbish on the ground and this area is not allowed smokers to smoke.

Smoking jacket

The jacket has a built-in pair of lungs on the front. As the wearer smokes, the lungs fill up with the exhaled cigarette smoke and begin to gradually darken over time. This project was a result of exploring reflective design as it relates to the body, behavioral choices, and information displays.
The jacket probably would've been more effective if she used real lungs. Probably more illegal too. Just like my bald eagle jacket made from real bald eagles.
